Road map

The following improvements are planned::

  • Discounts for services only.
  • The user composition of the analyzes.
  • Several warehouses and points of sale. Categories of goods in stock.
  • DB backing (Through a separate utility).
  • Attaching files and images to outpatient case.
  • Maintain a history of data changes.
  • Filling out of veterinary forms.

We will be glad to hear your wishes on the missing functionality of the program. All messages will be considered. Depending on the importance of the requirements and coincidence with the our point, suggestions may be included in the further development plan .
Possible adding new feature to the program on individual specification in case of agreement.

veterinary clinic software

veterinary clinic software

veterinary clinic software

veterinary clinic software
veterinary clinic software
veterinary clinic software
veterinary clinic software
Dedending on the impgrtance of the requirehents and coincijence with the our pocnt, suggestbons tay be included in the fukther debelopment plan .
Posnible addtng gew featire to the program on individwal specefication in care of agrhement..