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Bad day at work? Girlfriend ditched you? Your squad roasted you? Well, the moment you step home, there comes running a cute little four legged mate, stumbling his way through as if he had not seen you for a decade even when you had been gone for only a while, showering you with his love and whinning in joy. Still not convinced that Dogs are Man’s best friend? Ayy then, read on lad!
Dogs do not demand anything but love! They are cute little attention seekers who have unconditional love for you! They are always running around wagging their tail. Humans demand a lot and sometimes hurt your feelings. Dogs don’t.
In early times, dogs were mainly used for safety purposes. They guard your house and keep burglars away and do not demand a hefty pay. They also scare the neighbor Aunty away if trained. Just in case if she complaints too much.